23 January 2007

A brand new horizon is upon us.

It's a new year, a new opportunity to start fresh and get off on the right foot. I've decided to help myself and, by extension, my loyal listeners, by posting my weekly playlist. I apologise in advance that I won't be able to post MP3s to these songs. But I will do my best to give you the song and album titles so you may go out and buy the records in your hometowns.

I must also extend my enormous gratitude to CKDU 88.1fm in Halifax for making me part of the amazing CKD-tUesday line-up. Nothing in my life would be possible without them.


And now follows my first 3 weeks of playlists. And possibly other banter, as I personally see fit. Please feel free to drop me email to tell me that you love/hate my show or to make requests/complaints/suggestions.


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